Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The only constant that is not constant - part 1

Mariam-Webster's Dictionary defines a constant as:

constant (noun):
something that stays the same 
something that does not change      
a quantity or number whose value does not change

and it defines change as:

change (noun):
The frequent usually sudden passing from one condition to another.

From the foregoing, it is obvious that a constant does not change but change itself is a constant. Here is a paradox of historical proportions but that is not surprising  because life is full of such apparent paradoxes.  It is like the paradox of fighting a war for peace.

Change however is a constant that must be respected and given its rightful due. When change knocks on the door, it MUST be opened. When change calls, it MUST be answered. When change comes, there MUST be change. Period.

Whenever anyone introduces you to an opportunity to make a difference in your life, it represents an opportunity to make a change. The usual response to change is resistance. How many of us have been introduced to one network marketing opportunity or the other and all we have done is to resist it and said "No!" to it? Especially is this issue of change relative to Network marketing of utmost importance because that industry is a crouching tiger - you are safer riding on its back than standing in its way.

Think however about this: Change is how we got here in the first place because that is what causes us to transit from babyhood to childhood to teenhood and then to adulthood. Change is why we are still here because we keep changing and making adjustments to continue living; and that is why change is what is needed in order to continue to be and in order to continue to be relevant.

From the foregoing, it seems there are only two ways forward: either you choose to change or you are forced to change. Change is no respecter of persons. Change is like the sun that rises in the East because it has no other choice and sets in the west because that is the only choice it has. When it comes to change, humans have no free will. We must all undergo change whether we like it or not.

If you are reading this, then begin to change your mindset. If you are staying away from the business of network marketing because you are afraid of change, then think again. If you are already in the business but are still not making any progress, then begin to make changes in your attitude towards prospecting and presentations.

Remember this: Change is a constant as sure as the sunrise and the sunset. It will come and it will come to pass. However when it finally passes, will it leave you as a victim or as a victor? Like the sunshine, will it leave you suntanned or sunburned. It all depends on you.

I finished writing this article a changed person. How would you finish reading it?

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