Friday, September 13, 2013

The 'Q' in Qnet


'Quality', is very much wanted and liked but also seldom appreciated and promoted.

It seems people of today are more inclined to look at the price of a product or service while ignoring its value.

Interestingly too, there seems to be an unspoken belief that QUALITY is compromised by QUANTITY. Hence the two seem to paired with the comparative 'or' rather than the conjunctive 'and'. So you would hear someone ask: 'do you want QUALITY or QUANTITY?' Why not quality and quantity but rather quality or quantity?


Hence the challenge today for any company wishing to reach QUANTITIES such as a billion people is:

'How can that company keep prices low without compromising on quality?' In other words, how can any company find the right balance between Quality and Quantity

QNet is a good case study to use to explore this question. After fifteen years of existence, Qnet has been able to maintain world class QUALITY in its products and services. This is an eye-witness account of how Qnet has achieved the enviable feat of making the  'Q' in Qnet stand for both QUALITY and QUANTITY.

When I first heard about the company it was from someone who was amazed at the quality of one of Qnet's products.

His heart was so touched with the quality of this product that you could tell it in his eyes. And need I say the end result? I joined the numbers who were being wowed by the 'Q' in Qnet.

Over the years I have seen large quantities of this very product shipped into my country and yet still the quality has not reduced. In fact it has rather been improved. I have also seen large quantities of people flock in to join Qnet because of the quality manifest in their products.

Moreover it is remarkable to note that QNet has managed to maintain such low prices comparative to their similar brands across the world. I dare say that instead of compromising quality for quantity, Qnet has rather improved quality for quantity while maintaining low prices. As a result QNet has taken QUANTUM leaps with their giant strides. The 'Q' in QNet is for this Quantum

Not to be overlooked is the sheer quantity of training materials available and the dear quality of such innumerable training tools. Every year I have spent in the Qnet business has actually added sterling qualities to my personality because of the qualitative training available. Like the ant Queen whose very presence and chemical signals direct the whole ant colony into action, Qnet sits enthroned as a Queen of Network Marketing spawning a whole new generation of Quality individuals. The 'Q' in Qnet is because she is a QUEEN.

For many of us though, one of the principal ways that Qnet touched our hearts is the speed at which the company pays out deserved commissions - very quickly. And when it comes to paying commissions, there are only three rules I can think of:  Rule 1:-Quick. / Rule 2:- Quick. / Rule 3:- Quick. This quickness in payouts makes the 'Q' in Qnet stand out more.

Even more mind-boggling sometimes is the quantum of commissions paid out added to the many rewarding promotions that further sweeten the money pie that Qnet bakes on its e-commerce platform. And then there is the RYTHM foundation that continues to touch more hearts. In fact, so far as network marketing goes, Qnet seems to have perfected the art. The ultimate example, the leader in the industry. Qnet is the Quintessential network marketing company. O yes, the 'Q' in Qnet is a short for Quintessential.

You don't really have to be a part of Qnet to notice these Qualities I write about. Just watch the Barclays premier league and you will find Qnet sponsoring one match or the other. Watch formula one racing and you will see the Qnet Virgin Marussia car. There are many other high profile Qnet sponsorships that draw attention to the fact that Qnet is Quality.

If you have been searching for all these qualities in a business you can partner with, among all the quantities out there, a company that has the quality to attract the right quantities and to give you quick compensations, then look no further. Learn more about the Queen of Network Marketing companies, the ultimate and Quintessential, QNET.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Do not listen to your heart

The heart I have come to know is more treacherous than anything you can know. It tells you to do the things you know you should not do. It seduces you into believing you can handle the situation and once you get into the situation you realize it's probably too late to get out.

The other day when it told you to hit your friend or say something hurtful to your friend for hurting you, you went ahead and did it. Later, when you calmed down, you felt regret; and where did you feel the regret? In your heart!

Then at another time, it told you to walk away from your parents and slam the door behind you because you were indignant at the way they were speaking to you. You listened to your heart and then later you felt regret in that same heart.

Think of all the times you acted in a certain way because your heart impelled you to and then later this same heart felt remorse over that course of action.

Does this sound like a heart you can trust?

If you deny this simple truth, your heart has deceived you again. If you accept it too, your heart has deceived you because it will make you deny it soon.

Piece of advice: Don't listen to your heart. Period

Monday, September 9, 2013

Fool? Yes. Foolish? NO!


The other day my supervisor put me on the weekend schedule the third time running while my other colleagues were just allowed to stay at home. I did not complain. I silently bore the pain of unjust treatment. I was called a fool by some for allowing it but I allowed myself to be fooled for the sake of peace not because I am foolish.

Then all my colleagues that I got employed with at the same time and with the same qualifications were promoted to a higher pay grade leaving me behind. This time they did not call me a fool but I felt like a fool. I have kept mute like a fool for the sake of harmony not because I am foolish.

As though that was not enough, a new someone was hired for the management position my promotion would have taken me to. This new someone has the same qualifications as me but has not worked loyally for the company these many years I have. Then, to add salt to injury, I was assigned to train this new person to fit into that management position. Again I was called a fool, and in deed I felt like a fool but I have decided to continue a fool because I know I am not foolish.

I need my daily bread. If this is what I have to endure to earn a living, then I will be the 'fool' to get my food. It may not be good but until I find another source of income (minus the fool), it would be foolish of me not to be this fool.

Author's Note:
You may be facing your own unjust treatments in other aspects of life that make it seem as though you are a 'fool'. It may be in a marriage, or a step family setting, or at your place of work, or at school or some other relationship. The essence of this write up is to console you not to worry about feeling like or being called a fool. When properly played out, fool can be cool. Moreover no condition is permanent. Sometimes "fool" is the only way to stay sane and at other times too, it is the only way to stay alive. I'd rather be a living fool than a dead....

Related Articles:

>>think your problems away. It works

>>make your fears afraid

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Think your problems away

Life, they say, is how you make it. Life, I say, is how you think it. Or rather put, life is how you take it.

If life is how you make it, the onus lies on what you do. However if life is how you take it, the onus lies on what you think of it irrespective of what you do. Here is the meat of the issue.

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you do not get the results you want. Some obstacles cannot be cleared away. They can only be explained away. Haven't you noticed that many obstacles we encounter cannot really be removed. They just need to be ignored and/or by-passed.

This ignoring and/or by-passing takes place in the mind. This does not mean that we forget the obstacles; it means that since we cannot re-move the obstacle, we decide to move around it, under it, beside it or even if possible, move with it. What matters is we keep on moving. Life is a dynamic equation that keeps on throwing in variables pleading to be solved but not necessarily needing to be solved. Keep that in mind.

Related Articles:

>>Fool Can Be Cool 

>> Make Your Problems Afraid

Saturday, September 7, 2013

proud to be HUMBLE

As I view the sun setting, it's a beautiful sight. The fading intensity of the sunlight. The filtered rays over the waters of the ocean. Its almost unbelievable that this same sun I am gazing at refused to allow me to do so just a few hours earlier. But now, as it sets over the horizon, I look in admiration, I stare in appreciation that it is at the time of its fading glory that the sun is a beautiful sight to behold.

I am talking about life. Life is a sun and the above description of a sunset is from a photo in a book I am reading, which book also happens to be the biography and burial service of one of those men who have left deep footprints in the sands of time. And as I read his biography and tributes from his friends and family members and business associates, I cannot help appreciate why I never knew him till I saw this book. His life was like the midday sun - extremely bright and view-able only by those who had special lenses.

And now as I contemplate all his greatness, there is one conclusion I come to:
if life is like the sun which will definitely set, then of all the things to be proud of, make it your most important source of pride to be PROUD to be humble.

Friday, September 6, 2013


It's 3:00am and instead of being in my bed, I'm rather standing in front of the Atlantic Ocean under the gentle reflection of a full moon, immersed in a cool breeze and facing my fears. Standing here alone at this hour is for me a conquest of some of my imagined fears. I am now going further. I am descending down the steep hill into the sea. As I approach the water, the eternal crashing sound of the waves against the background of the all-enveloping midnight silence in sync with my rhythmic and erratic heart beat is creating an acoustic and arterially vacuumed symphony that is gradually pounding my fear into droplets.

Now I am stepping into - this is unbelievable! have actually stepped into the cool water and the whole effect of the water bathing my feet has just washed away whatever remnants of fear I had of the midnight ocean. Me against the Atlantic. Me against the Ocean. Me against my fear. Now there remains the Atlantic and the Ocean but where is my fear? WASHED AWAY!

Now  I am about to leave the battleshore but what is this I that I am seeing on the ground in the distance? With my new found courage I proceed further towards the sea to inspect this whitish object I am seeing on the ground. As if paving way for the conqueror, the ocean tide is also receding in tandem with my confident steps forward. As the wave recedes, it gradually unveils this whitish object on the ground. Now I am up close. And what is it? It is a pebble, uncharacteristically rough and invitingly isolated as if saying to me: " Pick me up, I'm yours". I am observing it for a while but I have decided to leave the pebble behind so I am now walking away from the ocean and climbing back uphill to leave the shore, victorious.

After about two minutes walk away from the shore, it is occurring to me that that pebble could be the proof of my conquest; the crown given to me by the ocean itself; evidence that I came, I saw and I conquered.

So I am returning to the shore, descending the hill again and walking into the water again. This time, I am approaching the midnight ocean so fearlessly and confidently. I have just picked up the pebble. But see there! Another pebble is now showing itself too - a smaller one. I've picked it up also. It seems as though I have been doubly rewarded for the courage to return. And now I have in my possession two stones
from the ocean to remind me of my conquest. To remind me that many of the fears in this life that hold us back are nothing but imagined fears. Face them and they will vapourize.

I have decided to call each of my pebbles the "STONE OF FEARS". Now I am en route to petrify all of my other fears. All those fears that cannot be petrified will be pelted. And as for the rest of the fears that resist all manner of stoning, they will be heaved into the buoyant and confident Ocean to float away into the waters of no return.
Disclaimer: Much as the author actually did the above exactly as written, this article itself and the implied suggestion is not a license to take unnecessary or avoidable risks. Please be responsible in the search of your "STONE".

Thursday, September 5, 2013


URN designed with gold filigree
Here is a very thought-provoking legend to share with you. This story is packed with precious gems of BREAKTHROUGH WISDOM. Here goes:

A story is told of an Eastern village which, through the centuries, was known for its exquisitely beautiful pottery. Especially striking were its urns which were high as tables, wide as chairs and they were admired around the globe for their strong form and delicate beauty. Many traveled great distances just to purchase these beautiful urns.

Legend has it that during the process of manufacturing these beautiful ceramic vases, when each urn was apparently finished, there was one final step. It was after this step that the manufacturing process was completed. This final step involved breaking the vase. Yes the potter actually broke it; and then after breaking it, the vase was put together again piece by piece with a special ornamental thread made of gold called gold filigree.

An ordinary urn was then transformed into a priceless work of art. What seemed finished wasn't... until it was broken.


Many people desire and wish for many of the fine and good things in life. However most of these people are not prepared to put in the effort required to achieve their dreams. They are not willing to make the needed sacrifices in order to realize the fulfilment of their wishes.
One thing people forget is that in order to gain, they must be prepared to endure the pain - NO PAIN, NO GAIN!
So what do you wish for in this life? Are you willing and ready to make the needed changes and sacrifices in order to achieve your aspirations?

Now to the second lesson from the legend of the urn:

Like the legendary urns that were surprisingly broken in order to make them look extraordinary, there are times when we have to also do things out of the norm. We need to break ourselves as it were. We must do things that will surprise our own selves. The fact of the matter is that IF WE DO ONLY WHAT WE HAVE ALWAYS DONE, WE WILL GET ONLY WHAT WE HAVE ALWAYS GOTTEN.
My dear partners, I don't know about all of you but at least there is one thing for sure: No matter who you are or what you do, there's always room for improvement. There's always room to help others more and there's always room to help yourself more. Besides, who knows tomorrow? Why lay all your eggs in one basket? Nowadays, everything is shaky. Even jobs that used to be very lucrative are fast becoming out-dated. The cost of living keeps rising. People are looking for a way out and we have a better way to show them. All we have to do is to show them that way. Do you know the way?