The other day my supervisor put me on the weekend schedule the third time running while my other colleagues were just allowed to stay at home. I did not complain. I silently bore the pain of unjust treatment. I was called a fool by some for allowing it but I allowed myself to be fooled for the sake of peace not because I am foolish.
Then all my colleagues that I got employed with at the same time and with the same qualifications were promoted to a higher pay grade leaving me behind. This time they did not call me a fool but I felt like a fool. I have kept mute like a fool for the sake of harmony not because I am foolish.
As though that was not enough, a new someone was hired for the management position my promotion would have taken me to. This new someone has the same qualifications as me but has not worked loyally for the company these many years I have. Then, to add salt to injury, I was assigned to train this new person to fit into that management position. Again I was called a fool, and in deed I felt like a fool but I have decided to continue a fool because I know I am not foolish.
I need my daily bread. If this is what I have to endure to earn a living, then I will be the 'fool' to get my food. It may not be good but until I find another source of income (minus the fool), it would be foolish of me not to be this fool.
Author's Note:
You may be facing your own unjust treatments in other aspects of life that make it seem as though you are a 'fool'. It may be in a marriage, or a step family setting, or at your place of work, or at school or some other relationship. The essence of this write up is to console you not to worry about feeling like or being called a fool. When properly played out, fool can be cool. Moreover no condition is permanent. Sometimes "fool" is the only way to stay sane and at other times too, it is the only way to stay alive. I'd rather be a living fool than a dead....
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